Resolved that players car fares of Saturday be paid. Next meeting Tuesday Novr. 19th 1901. Signed 19th Novr. 1901 B. Kelly Emergency Meeting of Directors held November 13th 1901 Present B. Kelly Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Clayton, Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford and Wright. The Secretary having read letter from Grimsby Town F.C. asking if we would transfer Muir and also if we had any other players to part with. It was Resolved that he be instructed to reply offering to transfer Muir for £300, Watson for £200 and Paterson for £125. Signed Novr. 19 1901 B. Kelly Meeting of Directors held Novr. 19th 1901 Present B. Kelly Esq. (in the chair) Dr. Baxter, Messrs A. T. Coates, W. R. Clayton, J. Davies, D. Kirkwood, Dr. Whitford & H. Wright. Trainer's Report The trainer made his weekly report as to training and condition of players. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Gillespie It being reported that this player having expressed his intention of taking up his residence in L'pool and that in the event of his so doing he would like to play in our team, it was resolved that a sub- committee consisting of Drs. Baxter & Whitford be appointed to enquire into the matter and to report to the Board. Team v Small Kitchen, Balmer, Eccles, Wolstenholme, Booth, Heath Abbott, Sharp, Proudfoot, Young, Settle, and Bell.