Director to Grimsby : None available. Director in charge of Gate - Mr. Bainbridge. Motion re It being unanimously agreed that it was advisable Gates that the taking and checking of gates and gate receipts should be placed in the hands of a responsible person outside the Board in order that the Directors might be relieved there from, the Secretary was instructed to write to the auditors and to the Bank Manager to ascertain what would be the charge per match for providing a competent person or persons to take charge of gates & check receipts. Asst. Groundsman It was resolved that the wages of Smith the assistant grounds-man be increased to 25/- per week and that it be part of his ordinary duties to take Charge of Bicycles upon the occasion of all matches on Everton Ground. Rankin Resolved that Rankin be paid 30/- per week. Hughes Resolved that the appointment of Hughes as Assistant trainer be confirmed at 21/- per week. Vacancy on Resolved that the vacancy caused by Mr. Directorate Cuff's retirement be left open until Annual Meeting. The Chairman having brought forward a proposal to recognise the services of Mr. Cuff as Hon. Sec. it was resolved that it be placed on the agenda for next meeting. McDonald This players having applied for position the Secretary was instructed to write him asking amount of his transfer. Singleton The Secretary having read this player's reply it was decided that he be selected to play on the 16th inst. if satisfactory. Directors to see Resolved that Dr. Baxter and Mr. Kirkwood go to Nelson players