pocket expenses would be paid. Photograph of Team The Secretary having reported the desire of Mr. Hinchcliffe to photograph the Team. It was resolved that Mr. Hinchcliffe be notified of the Directors consent thereto subject to 10 copies of the photograph & of previous photographs being supplied to the Board. re Jones & Sykes Mr. Clayton having reported re Richie Jones & J. M. Sykes, Secy. was instructed to write Mr. Sykes that the Directors would be pleased to avail themselves of his services whenever possible & to R. Jones ascertaining if he were an amateur & if so would he play a trial on the 9th proximo. re request for list of shareholders The Secretary having read letter from Mr. Nicholas. It was resolved that Secretary write him and ascertain exactly what was required. re Tramcar Bills Secretary having reported Tramways Committee required 200 bills for Saturday, he was instructed to obtain the balance as soon as possible. re Lancashire Cup Tie The Secretary having read letter received from Barrow in Furness F.C. offering half gross gate, we to pay our own expenses to play this match at Barrow, he was instructed to confirm same. re Levy by Football League Secretary having fully reported this matter to the Board & explained how the fine of £1.1.0 was incurred. It was resolved that cheque for £1.1.0 be sent to the League and that Secretary's action in sending cheque for £5 be confirmed. re R. Bennett The Secretary having submitted application of this player as a left back and as to his display at practice today. It was resolved to allow him to continue practising before deciding. re H. Capener This player having applied for a trial or a transfer. It was resolved that the same be not entertained for the present. Secretary having reported that the League had received no notice of the change of Secretary.