Director in charge of gate Saturday	Dr. Baxter.
   "        Do          "  Monday	Mr. W. C. Cuff

Report of sub-Comme. The Chairman reported that on the advice of the Solicitor to the
re examination of books Company the sub-Committee had had an interview with the
		auditors to the Company and that they, the auditors, had
		intimated their intention to re-audit the books of the Company
		from the 30th April 1901 to date of suspension of Secretary & would
		attend next week for that purpose.

Notice of motion re supply of refreshments (liquid) to Club.

re apptmt. of Secy. Resolved that a sub Committee be formed consisting of The
		Chairman, Messrs Clayton, Coates, Whitford & Wright to deal
		With the question of the Secretary & to report to next meeting.

Medical sub-	Dr. Whitford reported that this Committee had met & arranged
Committee’s report for the purchase of the necessary appliances for dealing with
		cases of injury to players & the report was confirmed & passed.

Advertising & stores sub Committees Secretary instructed to call meeting of
		these sub Committees.

		Next meeting Monday 30th September 1901 after match.
Signed September 30th 1901
					B. Kelly	Chairman.

		Meeting of Directors held 30th September 1901.

Present		B. Kelly Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Baxter, Bainbridge, Cuff,
		Clayton, Coates, Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright.

Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed.

Minutes of Advertising after discussion it was resolved to refer the matter
Sub-Committee	back to the advertising Committee.
re Secretary	Minutes of sub-Committee were read and postponed for
		confirmation to next meeting.
		Resolved that Secretary prepare advertisement for
		insertion in 'Athletic News' of Monday next inviting
		applications for the position of Secretary such applic-
		ants to state age, salary and qualifications. Applications
		to reach Chairman on or before 12th October 1901.