re Villa Excursion The Chairman and Secretary were instructed to obtain
		particulars from L. & N. W. R. Co. and G. W. R. Co.

Authority to Secy. Resolved that the Honorary Secretary Mr. W. C. Cuff be
to sign cheques	authorized to sign cheques as Secretary with similar
		powers to those vested in the late Secretary Mr. R. Molyneux.

Turkish Baths	Secretary was instructed to obtain a book of tickets from
		Mr. Parry of Eberle Street.

Transfer of Shares 5 from A. J. Coates to R. Wilson No. 1334 to 1337 and 2234.

St. Helens F. C. Secretary instructed to write for cheque.
		Resolved that Directors form themselves pro forma into a
		Finance Committee.
		Resolved that the question of the appointment of
		Secretary be placed on the Agenda for next meeting.

		Next meeting September 24th 1901 at 8 pm.

Signed September 24th 1901	B. Kelly		Chairman

		Meeting of Directors held September 24th 1901

Present		B. Kelly Esq. (in the Chair) Messrs Baxter, Bainbridge,
		Clayton, Coats, Cuff, Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright.

Minutes		of last meeting read and confirmed.

Minutes		of Finance Meeting of 24th Septr. 1901 read and confirmed.

Trainer		made his report as to condition of players.

Financial position Chairman made a statement as to financial position of
of Company	Company to date.

re Wolverhampton Match Secretary read letter sent to Wolverhampton 

Match v St. Helens Resolved that Secretary write St. Helens pressing for cheque.

Team v Aston Villa Muir, Balmer, Watson, Wolstenholme, Booth, Abbott, Roche,
		Taylor, Young, Settle and Bell.

Team v Preston N. E. Reserve Kitchen, B. Sharp, Eccles, Boyle, Clarke, Blythe,
		Daly, Paterson, Sykes, Bone & O'Brien (A. Chadwick reserve).

Team v White Star Muir, Eccles, B. Sharp, Boyle, Clarke, Abbott, Roche, Paterson,
Wanderers	Young, Bone and Bell.