Examination of Resolved that a sub-Committee consisting of the Chairman Company's books Mr. Coates, and the Honorary Secretary obtain the advice of the Company's Solicitors as to an independent audit of the books and the mode of procedure thereon, and also to see the Auditors to the Company. Payment to Secy. Resolved that the payment to the Secretary be postponed until audit completed. Team v Newcastle Muir, Balmer, Watson, Boyle, Booth, Abbott, J. Sharp, Taylor, United Proudfoot, Settle and Bell. Team v Padiham Kitchen, B. Sharp, Eccles, Wolstenholme, Clarke, Blythe, Roche, Paterson, Worthington, Bone and Chadwick. Director in charge of Gate Mr. D. Kirkwood. Director in charge of 2nd Team none available. Motion re Benefit Resolved that the Secretary inform Balmer that if he Matches to players continue to give satisfaction to the Directors both in his conduct and play, they will during the season 1902/3 allot to him one half of the proceeds of a League Match to be selected by them, and that all the players, in rotation, be treated in a similar manner under similar circumstances and if otherwise entitled (BK) & subject also to consent of F.A. Motion re J. Bell It was resolved to defer this motion until the end of the month. Surgical appliances It was unanimously resolved that a sub-Committee consisting of the Chairman Drs. Baxter and Whitford arrange for the supply of appliances to adequately cope with serious cases of enquires to players, and that the Secretary give the Trainer definite instructions to refrain from allowing any injured player, who is unable to walk off the field, to be removed, but to signify that the services of a Doctor are required by waving a red handkerchief. The Chairman was also instructed to see Dr. Moore and to suggest the advisability of his being in attendance at all home league matches. Paterson Resolved to pay him arrears of salary. re Clarke The Secretary was instructed to pursue this matter. Share register Resolved that Register be produced at next meeting.