		Secretary and Mr. Sherlock. It was unanimously
		resolved that the Directors of The Everton Football Club
		declare that they have lost all confidence in their
		Secretary (Mr. Molyneux) and hereby request him to
		tender his resignation as Secretary to the Company &
		forthwith. And it was further resolved unanimously
		that upon the receipt by the Directors of Mr. Molyneux's
		resignation as Secretary of the Company the Directors
		make to him a payment equal to 6 months salary
		from the date of the receipt of same.
		Resolved unanimously that Mr. W. C. Cuff continue
		to act as Secretary (pro:tem:)

Signed September 17th 1901      B. Kelly      Chairman.

		Meeting of Directors held 17th September 1901.

Present		B. Kelly Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter,
		Coates, Cuff, Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford and Wright.

Minutes 	of 3 Meetings read and confirmed.

Trainer		made his report as to condition of players.

re Wolverhampton The Secretary having read the reply denying the allegations
incident	contained in our letter of the 11th inst. It was resolved to
		forward the charge to the Football Association for &
		investigation, after a re examination by the Chairman
		or Secretary of Taylor and Bell.

McGuffie	The Secretary was instructed to enquire from St Helens F. C.
		if this player had signed for St. Helens.

Secretary's resignation The Secretary having by letter to the Directors dated 17/10/01
		but received on the 17th September 1901 expressed his &
		intention to resign from his office as Secretary to the
		Company and desiring the acceptance thereof. It was
		resolved that the same be accepted and that Mr.
		Molyneux be notified thereof.