Meeting of Director held Thursday May 2nd 1901
Present		B. Kelly Esq. (in the chair) Messrs. Bainbridge, Baxter,
		Coates, Davies, Kirkwood, Taylor & Wright.

Minutes of last meeting read & Confirmed.

Players to be	Resolved Mr. Bainbridge & the Sec. go to Scotland
engaged		& be empowered to engage the following Players.
		Young - up to £100 to clear Falkirk & St. Mirren & Player
			on best terms.
		Bone - up to £2.10.0 per week.
		Long - up to £50 to the Clyde F.C. & Wages £3.10.0
			in playing Season & £2.10.0 Summer.
		Gardner - If suitable on best terms.
		O'Brien - to be left with Mr. Kirkwood.
		Brown - on best terms up to £1.10.0.

Players left over Holliday : Corrin   : B Sharp     : Toman
		 Rochi     : McDonald : E. Chadwick

Trainer		Resolved Elliott's engagement be continued at
		£2.10.0 per week & to be offered bonuses on results
		of matches as the Board may hereafter decide.

Assistant Trainer Resolved Rankin be engaged at 25/ per week
		& he to make himself generally useful.

Players not to be Resolved the following players be put on the transfer
re-engaged	list.
		Crelly    30.0.0 : Dawson 50.0.0 : Green  75.0.0
		Taylor R. 30.0.0 : Gray	  75.0.0

Amalgamation of	Resolved Messrs. Kelly & Coates attend meeting on
Lan. League & Combn. Tuesday next at Bolton & vote against the present

League extension Resolved we do not support the proposals to extend
		the League to 20 Clubs.

Lan. F.A	Resolved we nominate Mr. Lythgoe for the Committee.

Accounts	The following payments were approved
		H. Wright 10.6 : Weston	      2.0 : Dr. Baxter 13.11.0
		Elliot	   9.0 : J. Davies 2.13.0 : L'pool F.A.   10.6.