Sep 13th 1892
Meeting of Directors held Tuesday Sep 13th 1892
Present G. Mahon Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Jackson, Atkinson, Clayton,
Griffiths, Baxter & Leyland.
Minutes of previous meetings read & confirmed.
Kelly's a/c Resolved Messrs Kelly Bros have cheque for £200
& that the Company give Bills for £200 each for the
22nd of each October, Nov, Dec & January.
Accounts Resolved that Mr. Griffiths a/c £34.17.3 be paid.
Turnstiles Resolved that we approve of Six Keys being ordered
Keys & instead of two & that the Chairman take charge of 5
Locks and the Secretary 1 Key & that we order 5 extra
Locks for other Turnstiles.
Press Tickets Resolved that Press Tickets be sent as follows
1 Porcupine
1 McKenzie
2 Lothian Lasses
Complimentary 8 to Messrs Threlfall & to ask for names of holders of same.
Team v Rovers - Thomas, Kelso, Collins, Boyle, Holt,
Robertson, Latta, Maxwell, Geary, Chadwick & Milward
with Murray as Reserve & Pinnel.
v Hearts of Midlothian as above except Howarth for Collins
& Murray for Geary. Smalley as Reserve Goalkeeper.
v Nantwich - Hanlon, Chadwick, Dewar, McLaren,
Jones, Jamieson, Gordon, Smith, Pinnel, McMillan &
v Caledonians as above except Margerison for McLaren &
McLaren for Smith.