Letter from Resolved that the Chairman reply stating that on application
Mr. Parsonage to himself a pass would be given for any match.
The Chairman to give his private Card.
Tickets for Players Resolved that the Secretary procure Reserved Stand Tickets
wives for a Lady & that one be given to each player with a
notification that no outsider is to use the Ticket.
Soldiers, Police Resolved that Police, Soldiers & Postmen in Uniform
& Postmen be admitted free to Ground through Season Ticket
entrance & that the fact be advertised.
Tramway Co. Resolved that Dr. Baxter wait upon the Tramway Co.
& state complaint re Busses going via Oakfield Road &c.
Complimentary Resolved that a complimentary Reserved Stand Ticket
Tickets be sent to
Mr. Lofthouse at Waterloo Station via Mr. Currier
" Prescott North John St.
Lord Kinnaird Resolved that a cheque for 10 Guineas be forwarded to
Lord Kinnaird as a Donation with a letter re attendance
& Success.
Adv. Committee Resolved that Dr. Baxter's name be substituted
for Mr. Leyland (withdrawn).
Field Stewards Resolved that the following names be added
Messrs McKie, Bainbridge, E. Gardner (Yew Tree Rd), Paterson,
Baguley, Cuff & Ashton.