Benefit for Application from Liverpool F.C. to play
McCartney match for McCartney's benefit not granted.
Signed Feby 17th 1897 W. R. Clayton Chairman
Meeting of Directors held Wednesday Feby 17th 1897
Present W. R. Clayton (in the chair) Messrs Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies,
& Kelly. (Mr. Prescott away with team).
Minutes of last Meeting read & confirmed.
Team v Burnley Lan. Cup (Semi Final) Menham, Meehan, Arridge,
Boyle, Holt, Stewart, Taylor, Bell, Hartley, Chadwick, Milward.
Directors in charge of Gate - Messrs Clayton & Kelly.
Special Meeting Resolved a Special General Meeting of the Shareholders
of Shareholders be called for Friday Feby. 26th or first available date
after in the Picton Lecture Hall to present shares &c.
& obtain sanction to build new Stand at 8 P.M.
Match for Charities Resolved we play West Bromwich here on April 30th
for benefit of Charities & that Mr. Crawshaw & the
Secretary be empowered to consult with Band masters
of Volunteer Bands re a band contest on same night.
Use of Ground Resolved we grant use of our Ground to the
Committee National Convention on Whit Sunday
June 6th for an open air Meeting; they providing
Police &c. to keep persons off playing pitch.