Meeting of Directors held Monday May 11th 1896.
Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Brooks, Clayton,
Cuff, Crawshaw, Davies, Kelly, Leyland & Prescott.
Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed.
Cain Resolved we transfer Cain to Grimsby for £15.
Taylor J. Resolved we engage Taylor at £4 per week with bonus.
D. McDonald Resolved the Secretary try & transfer D. McDonald at a
minimum of £20.
Athletic Sports: Resolved they be for amateurs, but if the N.C.A.
allow Pro. football players to have a competition we
have one or two events for them.
Sub Committee Resolved Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton & Leyland act as
re above a Sub Committee to make enquiries & report to next
A. Latta. Resolved a letter be sent to Latta saying amount
must be paid or matter will be placed in other hands.
League Annual Resolved Mr. Clayton & the Sec. attend meeting in
Meeting Birmingham.
Little's a/c Resolved Little's a/c of £40 be paid & that we give
him a gratuity of £20 for giving us first chance of
Players. The amount paid to him for expenses to be
2nd Team Resolved we apply for admission to Lan. Combn. for next
Competition Season in case application to be made before the 23rd.