Xmas boxes - Resolved we give Xmas boxes same as last year.
Office Boy Resolved the Secretary engage Office Boy wages about
5/- per week.
Admission of Resolved that as far as possible the tickets used by
Directors friends Club be given, but at all times a private pass signed
by a Director be honoured.
Complimentary Resolved we send another ticket to L'pool F. Club
Ticket for Mr. Webster.
John Prescott
Signed Dec. 28th 1895 Chairman
Meeting of Directors held Saturday Dec. 28th 1895
Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies, Kelly,
and Prescott.
Team v Rovers - Hillman, Adams, Arridge, Boyle, Holt, Stewart,
Bell, McInnes, Cameron, Chadwick & Milward with Goldie
as reserve for Stewart.
Team to Scotland - Messrs McDonald, Flewitt, William, & Elliott
in addition to the above - Elliott, McDonald & Williams
to return on Friday.
Team v Loco - Cook, McDonald, Storrier, Kelso, Meiklejohn, Elliot,
Reay, Williams, Chadwick, Flewitt & Hill.
Team v Macclesfield - Cook, McDonald, Storrier, Kelso, Meiklejohn,
Elliott, Reay, Williams, Hartley, Murray, Schofield.
Directors to Scotland - Messrs Prescott, Kelly, Cuff & Bainbridge.
Directors in charge of Gate - Messrs Clayton & Crawshaw.