		206 Kearns Christopheer		  5 Oakfield Anfield			 4
		207 Kitson Chos.		 26 Longdale St. Bootle			 3
		208 Knowles T.			 23 Everton Valley			 3
		209 Kennedy Alexander		 56 York Terrace			 2
		210 Kennedy John Davies		 78 Robson St.				 2
		212 Leyland Arthur Ernest	    Cleveland House Moss Lane Aintree	10
		214 Lyon Jos.			 34 Rutland St.				 2
		215 Leicester Francis Jas	 14 Avon St.				 1
		216 Lloyd John			 74 Handfield St.			 1
		217 Linton Jas.			 87 Tweed St.				 1
		218 Leece Wm. Briggs		  1 Woodhouse St.			 2
		219 Leece Thos.			       "  "    				 2
		220 Luke Wm.			 36 York St. Walton			 3
		221 Lansdown Jas.		 20 Faraday St				 1
		222 Linaker Standen whiteside	 12 Ling St Holt Rd			10
		223 Leather Thos.		 66 Pall Mall				10
		224 Lunt Isaac Parry		  4 Woburn Hill Stoneycroft		15
		225 Lloyd Wm. Herbert		 14 Arundel St.				 1
		226 Lace Chas.			 57 St. Ann St.				 2
		227 Lightfoot Rt. Chas.		 79 Beresford Rd			 3
		228 Lewis John			 57 Premier St.				 4
		229 Mahon Geo.			 26 North John St.			20
		230 Molyneux Rd.		  8 Arkles Rd				 2
		231 McKinley Jas Stuart		100 Upper Pitt St.			 2
		232 Maver John Ellis		 12 Clifton St.				 4
		233 McGill Alex James		 98 Shaw St.				 2
		234 Maver Geo.			144 Hartnup St.				 2
		235 Mahon Jas. Jos.		 84 St. Domingo Vale			 1
		236 Murphy Peter 		 93 Bamber St.				 3
		237 Maxwell JOhn Hy		 18 St. Domingo Vale			 3
		238 McCarthy John		 25 Breckfield Rd N.			 2
		239 McCauley John		 80 Dacy Rd.				 1
		240 Montgomery Jas Shaw		 34 Downing St.				 2
43 Agreed that the Secretary arrange eggs, sherry and coffee for the players’ training in the morning
73 Agreed that the Club should pay the players’ expenses for joining the Liverpool gym at reduced rates
91 F. Geary appeared before the directors concerning his behaviour towards the spectators.
113 Agreed to give a match at Goodison Park for the benefit match for the unwaged.
132 Resolved that a letter be written to Porcupine saying the explanation re: stoppage of draws is not satisfactory.
208 Parry suspended. Notice of his suspension to be posted on in the dressing rooms.
211 Reserve Team to have a gold medal each.
243 Resolved Mr. Hinchcliffe be allowed to photograph team
245 Resolved on the purchase of 2 medals for Bell and Southworth
286 Resolved that Elliott be engaged as Assistant Trainer & Groundsman to play when required.
295 Resolved to give Stoke £20 for the transfer of Maxwell & to find him a place in a solicitors’ office.
365 Resolved to give 11 players medals for winning the Combination Championship
444 Resolved that the Ground Committee be authorised to have rooms covered over, urinals erected etc.