Meeting of Directors held Thursday Feby 21st 1895
Present G. Mahon Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Read, Leyland, Kelly, Griffiths,
Atkinson, Wilson & Dr. Baxter.
Team v North End same as played on Wednesday.
Team v North End Reserved to be selected by the Secretary & Elliott.
Directors in charge of Gate - Messrs Kelly & Leyland.
Team v United & Leeds left over until after Saturday's Match.
Special Training Resolved the arrangements made for team going back to
West Kirby yesterday be confirmed.
Bonus Resolved we offer team 10/- extra bonus for remaining
League Matches & Cup Ties.
Sheffield Wednesday Cup Tie - Resolved we give them
20/- each for draw on their Ground.
International The Secretary reported the Association had decided to
England v Scotland play this match here on April 6th.
Deferred League Resolved have power to arrange dates for Burnley
Matches & Wolves League Matches.
Hillman Resolved we offer Burnley £100 & play them a benefit match
mid-week for transfer of Hillman & that the Sec.
make best possible terms with Hillman.
Special Training for Resolved Mr. Griffiths & the Secretary be empowered to
Cup Tie make any arrangements they think necessary.
Signed Feby 1895 A. T. Coates Chairman