Players to be Latta 2.10.0 2.10.0 £3.0.0
engaged Storrier 2. 0.0 2. 0.0
Murray 1. 0.0 1. 0.0
Arridge 1.10.0 1.10.0
Elliott 1.10.0 1.10.0 & make himself
generally useful
Geary 3. 0.0 3. 0.0
provided he gives up Public House under J. H.
Rowley 3. 0.0 3. 0.0
Selection Resolved the Selection Committee have power
Committee to deviate from above if necessary re terms.
Signed April 23rd 1894 W. R. Clayton Chairman
Meeting of Directors held Thursday April 19th 1894
Present G. Mahon Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Coates, Baxter, Davies,
Leyland & Read.
Requisition Resolved we being of opinion that it would be prejudicial
for General to the interests of the Club to delay the engagement of Players
Meeting until after a General Meeting of the Shareholders could
be held & as there are at present 9 Directors to
approve of & carry out such engagements, (these Directors
having the power to fill any casual vacancy; which
power they will exercise if they deem it in the interests
of the Club so to do), fail to see a reasonable &
sufficient reason in the requisition warranting our
acceding to the wishes of the requisitionists.
Motion to rescind resolution of April 9th re the election of a Director
not Carried.
W. R. Clayton
43 | Agreed that the Secretary arrange eggs, sherry and coffee for the players’ training in the morning |
73 | Agreed that the Club should pay the players’ expenses for joining the Liverpool gym at reduced rates |
91 | F. Geary appeared before the directors concerning his behaviour towards the spectators. |
113 | Agreed to give a match at Goodison Park for the benefit match for the unwaged. |
132 | Resolved that a letter be written to Porcupine saying the explanation re: stoppage of draws is not satisfactory. |
208 | Parry suspended. Notice of his suspension to be posted on in the dressing rooms. |
211 | Reserve Team to have a gold medal each. |
243 | Resolved Mr. Hinchcliffe be allowed to photograph team |
245 | Resolved on the purchase of 2 medals for Bell and Southworth |
286 | Resolved that Elliott be engaged as Assistant Trainer & Groundsman to play when required. |
295 | Resolved to give Stoke £20 for the transfer of Maxwell & to find him a place in a solicitors’ office. |
365 | Resolved to give 11 players medals for winning the Combination Championship |
444 | Resolved that the Ground Committee be authorised to have rooms covered over, urinals erected etc. |