Letters Accrington request for Match not granted.
Kirkwood must arrange for benefit match next month or
matter to Stand over for fresh application.
Y.M.C.A request for use of Ground not granted.
Elementary Schools request for Boys to play matches here before
our matches to be put on Agenda for next meeting.
Signed March 19th 1894. Geo. Mahon
Meeting of Directors held Monday March 19th 1894
Present G. Mahon Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Coates, Davies,
Leyland, Read, Griffiths, Kelly, Atkinson & Baxter.
Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed.
Hillman Sec. read reply from Burnley & it was decided to let
the matter be over for the present.
J. Walker Sec. write Sunderland & see if they cannot accept our
Boyd This matter referred to Selection Committee.
L'pool League The Sec. write & say Directors disposed to favourably
consider application for match if date Ground & other
particulars be given.
C. Parry Resolved Parry be suspended for a fortnight March
13th to 27th for not attending Training &c. & that he
do not participate in bonus for Saturday last or
any future bonus re Lan. Cup & that notice of
his suspension be posted in Dressing rooms
until Friday next.