Directors to Glasgow Messrs Leyland, Davies & the Secretary. Directors in charge of Gate Saturday - Messrs Leyland, Davies & Kelly. Groves Resolved the Secretary write Mr. McGregor officially & enclose copy of letter received from the Albion. Bootle F. Club Directors regret they cannot agree to play against Derby County until after League Match here & on account of the condition of our Ground it is necessary to play match on another Ground. Fixture Cards Resolved the Sec. get some small Fixture Cards printed & to be given to Ticket holders. Meetings Resolved our Meetings be held at 7-30 in future on Mondays. Teams to Press Resolved we send the Teams to the Papers (not visiting teams) regularly. League Diary Resolved the Secretary be allowed to issue & sell a Diary (Capletons idea) provided the Adv. Contractors do not object. Groundsman Resolved we engage S. Richardson as Groundsman @ 25/- per week. Transfer of (4) From J. H. Maxwell to J. T. Wright. Shares W. R. Clayton Chairman
43 | Agreed that the Secretary arrange eggs, sherry and coffee for the players’ training in the morning |
73 | Agreed that the Club should pay the players’ expenses for joining the Liverpool gym at reduced rates |
91 | F. Geary appeared before the directors concerning his behaviour towards the spectators. |
113 | Agreed to give a match at Goodison Park for the benefit match for the unwaged. |
132 | Resolved that a letter be written to Porcupine saying the explanation re: stoppage of draws is not satisfactory. |
208 | Parry suspended. Notice of his suspension to be posted on in the dressing rooms. |
211 | Reserve Team to have a gold medal each. |
243 | Resolved Mr. Hinchcliffe be allowed to photograph team |
245 | Resolved on the purchase of 2 medals for Bell and Southworth |
286 | Resolved that Elliott be engaged as Assistant Trainer & Groundsman to play when required. |
295 | Resolved to give Stoke £20 for the transfer of Maxwell & to find him a place in a solicitors’ office. |
365 | Resolved to give 11 players medals for winning the Combination Championship |
444 | Resolved that the Ground Committee be authorised to have rooms covered over, urinals erected etc. |