Teams for Saturday (1) Jardine, Kelso, Howarth, Boyle, Holt, Stewart,
Practise match McLaren, Murray, Hartley, McMillan, Elliott.
(2) Pinnel, Lindsay, Arridge, Walker, Storrier, Coyle,
Reay, Bell, Maxwell, Chadwick, Milward.
Monday (1) Williams, Kelso, Howarth, Storrier, Holt,
Stewart, McLaren, Murray, Hartley, McMillan, Elliot.
(2) Jardine, Chadwick, A. Parry, Walker, Jones,
Coyle, Reay, Bell, Maxwell, Chadwick, Milward.
Referee Sec. ask Messrs Lythgoe, Roche or Gough.
Septr 1st W. R. Clayton
Meeting of Directors held Friday Sep 1st 1893
Present W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the chair), Messrs Mahon, Atkinson,
Griffiths, Leyland, Davies, Baxter, Read & Coates.
Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed.
Transfer to Resolved that no transfers from Covd. Stand to Special
Special Resd Stand reserved Stand be issued after 20 more Seats have
been taken by transfer. Charges to be 7/6 for self or
15/- for self & Lady.
Kelso Resolved we pay Kelso £20 in recognition of last
Season's Services.
Bonus Resolved for League matches the Players only have
to Players 10/- for win at home, 20/- for win away.
Bonus to Resolved we consider the question of bonus to Love
Love in case we top the League or win the E. Cup.