		                                               EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB.

		                                           INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT.

		                                        For Two Months ending June 27th, 1892.

                                                                      £   s. d.                                                           £   s. d.
		To Balance in hand, as per last account   ...  ...   875  2  1	By Players’ Wages and Bonuses...    ...    ...    ...    451  13  6
   		"  Amount recovered from D. Doyle   ...   ...  ...    69  0  0	"  Training Expenses  ...    ...    ...    ...    ...      1   1  0
   		"  Lancashire Association, &c. ...  ...   ...  ...    64 16  8  "  Groundsman’s Wages ...    ...    ...    ...    ...     10   0  0
 		"  Refund of Combination Deposit    ...   ...  ...    10  0  0	"  League, &c.,Subscriptions ...    ...    ...    ...     19   9  0
  		"  Amount   received  from  John  Houlding,  Esq..		"  Advertising   ...  ...    ...    ...    ...    ...      1  14  6
 		     purchase of Stands and other property     ...   310  0  0	"  Office Expenses, and Secretary’s Salary ...    ...     43  18  3
  		"  Received from Combination Committee to purchase            	"  Traveling Expenses ...    ...    ...    ...    ...     30  12  6
                     Flag  ...   ...   ...     ...  ...   ...  ...     8  0  0	"  General Expenses and Bank Commission    ...    ...     11   9  8
                "  Bank Interest ...   ...     ...  ...   ...  ...     1 15  6	"  John Houlding, Esq.— Balance Rent      £125  0   0
									        "  Rates and Taxes, &c ...   ...    ...     35 17   6  
                                                                                                                           -––––––––––   160  17  6
     									        "  Entertaining Clubs  ...   ...    ...    ...    ...      7  11  1
   									        "  Balance—carried to Final Statement      ...    ...    600   7  3
                                                                   ------------                                                         ------------
                                                                  £1,338 14  3                                                        £1,338  14  3 
                                                                   ------------                                                         ------------ 

                                                    FINAL STATEMENT showing Winding-up of Club’s Affairs.

                                                                     £  s.  d.                                                           £    s.  d.
		To Balance from above brought down     £600  7  3	   	By Liability to 288 Members of Everton Football Club,
 		           Less-						     under clause 5 (sub. clause 1) of agreement of
		   Law Costs, Houldings and Marsdens				     above date  ...   ...    ..     ...   ...  ...      288   0   0
		      actions, attempted Registration				"    Sundry Creditors  ...   ...     ...   ...  ...       78  18   8
		      of Company,  Winding-up  of                           	"    Balance—transferred to Balance Sheet of Everton
		      Club, &c.    ... £149 10  9					Football Club Companmy,Limited...  ...  ...      153   2   6
		   Accountant’s Charge    4 18  0
				       ----------      154   8  9 	
						      ------------   445 18 6
		" Amounts due from other Clubs ...     ...    ...     37 10 0
		" Clothing Material and Stores on hand ...    ...      8  7 6 
		" Office Fixtures and Fittings ...     ...    ...     19 15 2
		" Loans to Players     ...     ...     ...    ...      8 10 0
								    ----------								--------------
								    £520  1 2  								£520    1   2  
								    ----------								--------------

		NOTE—The various items in the above Final Statement are now merged into the Accounts of the Everton Football Club Co. Limited.

43 Agreed that the Secretary arrange eggs, sherry and coffee for the players’ training in the morning
73 Agreed that the Club should pay the players’ expenses for joining the Liverpool gym at reduced rates
91 F. Geary appeared before the directors concerning his behaviour towards the spectators.
113 Agreed to give a match at Goodison Park for the benefit match for the unwaged.
132 Resolved that a letter be written to Porcupine saying the explanation re: stoppage of draws is not satisfactory.
208 Parry suspended. Notice of his suspension to be posted on in the dressing rooms.
211 Reserve Team to have a gold medal each.
243 Resolved Mr. Hinchcliffe be allowed to photograph team
245 Resolved on the purchase of 2 medals for Bell and Southworth
286 Resolved that Elliott be engaged as Assistant Trainer & Groundsman to play when required.
295 Resolved to give Stoke £20 for the transfer of Maxwell & to find him a place in a solicitors’ office.
365 Resolved to give 11 players medals for winning the Combination Championship
444 Resolved that the Ground Committee be authorised to have rooms covered over, urinals erected etc.