Feby 27th 1893
Meeting of Directors held Monday Feby 27th 1893
Present G. Mahon Esq. (in the chair) Messrs. Coates, Jackson,
Griffiths, Davies, Atkinson, Baxter, Clayton & Leyland.
Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed.
Team v Preston North End - E. Cup: Williams, Kelso, Howarth,
Boyle, Holt, Stewart, Latta, Gordon, Maxwell, Chadwick,
Milward - Geary to go as Reserve.
v Burnley Swifts, Jardin, Chadwick, Parry, Coyle,
Jones, Jamieson, Smith, Murray, Hartley, McMillan,
Training The Trainer having intimated to Griffiths the
desirability of spending a few days at Hoylake, say
from Wednesday night & if he should still think that
the best course to adopt- The Sec. make the necessary
arrangements. The team to come from Hoylake on
Saturday morning & travel by 8-40 to Sheffield.
Ironopolis match Resolved we do not increase guarantee for this match.
Benefit match Resolved we offer to play a match at Chester for our
Resolved we play a match on March 9th at Oswestry
for £5 & entertain team after match.
Life Boat Fund The question of playing a match for this Fund was
left over - Messrs Clayton, Coates & Jackson to make
enquiries & report to next meeting.
Turnbull Resolved he be not engaged.