[MEETING OF GROUND COMMITTEE FRIDAY, 30TH OCTOBER 1959] Present:— Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair), and Mr. C. E. Balmforth together with the Secretary. Mr. J. Taylor was absent on Club business. The Committee deemed it advisable to obtain the opinion of Mr. Prior on the state of the ground in view of the recent heavy rainfall. Mr. Prior duly attended today and made an examination of the ground and gave a verbal report which is to be confirmed in writing. He particularly stressed the urgency of restoring the pitch at the earliest opportunity following a match, to be followed by aeration and by spiking. In view of Mr. Prior's remarks it appeared to the Committee that it was essential that the groundstaff should be available as a priority for work on the ground, therefore the Committee recommends to the Board that the men originally engaged as groundsmen, namely W. Foster, B. White and D. Rose, should be under the direct orders of Mr. Storey and should only be released for work to the Maintenance Foreman at such times as they are not required for essential work on the ground. F. Micklesfield