
		the transfer of Alan Finney. The Sheffield
		Club were not prepared to part with the
		player, although they may be compelled to
		if they bought another player. Mr. Carey
		reported that he had approached W. B. A. for
KEVAN (W. B. A.) KEVAN but they would not part with him for
		cash. They were, however, prepared to sell
HOGG. (W. B. A.) HOGG for £20,000.0.0 but it was understood
		that he was not a good Club man. Wolves
BOOTH (WOLVES)	had offered Booth to Notts Forest but the player
		had turned this down. After a discussion
		it was resolved to make an offer for
A. FINNEY	Finney of Twenty five thousand pounds, such offer
	Ko.13	to remain open until Monday next.

P. WANG			It was reported that one of our
		painters, P. Wang, had broken his arm on
		his way home a few days ago. It was
		agreed to make his insurance money up to
		his normal wages whilst he was incapacitated,
		and that the Finance Committee should
		explore the possibility of Insurance cover against
		sickness and accident for the staff.

PROPERTY.		It was reported that 5 Swanston
		Ave. was now empty, and it was agreed
		to put it in the hands of Sykes, Waterhouse
		& Co. for disposal.

J. MOORES		A letter was read from Mr. John
	11	Moores expressing his gratification for the
		installment paid against his loan.
			Letters of thanks were read from Mr.
		B. Searle, The Flintshire Schools F. A. and the
		Germen Consul.

TRANSFER OF SHARES	The following were approved:-