12 F. A. YOUTH CUP It was reported that the F. A. Youth Cup tie at Blackburn would be played on Tuesday next Oct. 13th K. O. 7.15 p.m. FINNEY-ALAN Mr. Carey reported his talks with Sheffield Wednesday for the transfer of Alan Finney. It was understood that no decision would be made until their Board Meeting next week, to our offer of £20,000.0.0. HICKSON, D. A proposition by Mr. Askham, 4 seconded by Mr. Searle, that Hickson be placed on the transfer was put to the Meeting and defeated. {For RES. C.H.D v R. A. F.} PYLONS A report was read from Messrs Husband & Co. on the condition of the Pylons, from which they appeared to be in good condition, and the report was adopted. F. A. A copy of a letter from the F. A. to 9. Notts Forest F. C. was read asking for an undertaking from their Manager, Mr. W. Walker, not to report in Press Articles or Statements, remarks concerning opponents, similar to these be made about the Everton players last April. CLOCK. It was agreed to install an Electric Clock in the Boardroom. DIRECTORS AWAY To Leeds:- Messrs F. Micklesfield, R. E. Searle, R. A. Joynson & E. Holland Hughes. To Blackburn:- Messrs F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp, C. H. Askham, J. Taylor, R. A. Joynson & E. Holland Hughes. NEXT MEETING Tuesday Oct. 13th at 3.30 p.m. Confirmed as correct. F. Micklesfield Chairman.