9 Barry Town F. C. in respect of players Webber and Hanky. MORECAMBE F. C. It was agreed to send our 'B' Team to play at Morecambe on Saturday for 50% of the net gate, with a guarantee of £25.0.0. TOUR 6 It was agreed to forward £200.0.0 to H. P. FRIEDRIECH Hans Peter Friedriech in Germany for Commission and expenses in connection with the Tour he is arranging in Germany next May. VASOS BUDAPEST An offer for this Team to visit Goodison Park in Dec. was not accepted. L'POOL SCHOOLS F. A. An application for the use of the Ground in Dec. for the Lancashire v Cheshire Schoolboys Match was not granted. It was agreed to issue 30 Complimentary Tickets to the Liverpool Schools F. A. for our F. A. Youth Cup game v Rhyl. FOOTBALL ASSN. A letter of thanks was read from the F. A. for the arrangements made for the England v Hungary match. ROTHWELL TOWN F. C. Appeals from the Rothwell Town F. C. & NAT. ASS. GROUNDSMEN National Ass. of Groundsmen were let lie. SPIKES A discussion took place on the advisability of removing the spikes from the top of the cannier between the two centre sections of the Bullens Rd. Stand, and it was agreed to leave the matter in abeyance. FIRE A fire was reported following the match on Sept. 16th damaging the wooden steps on the terrace under the Goal Stand, causing damage amounting to £17.7.0. On the recommendation of Mr. Askham it was agreed that no further safeguards were necessary. PAINTING It was agreed to accept a tender