7 allocated 8 Box Tickets and 8 Complimentary tickets for our home game v Liverpool. LIVERPOOL It was agreed to make available SCHOOLBOYS 50 tickets each for up to 12 schools for our home reserve games. CHAMBER OF It was agreed to make 5 Box tickets COMMERCE available, if required, for the match on Oct. 3rd for the visit to Liverpool of 5 Leading Tenants business man. PROBATIONARY It was agreed to inform the PROFESSIONALS Football League that we supported the proposed 1 scheme for Probationary Professionals. DANISH CONSUL A letter of thanks was read from the Danish Consul for the hospitality he had received. B. B. C. A letter was read from the 3 Football League outlining the arrangements agreed to for Broadcasting during the present season. DIRECTORS AWAY. To Wolverhampton:- Messrs F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp, R. E. Searle, C. E. Balmforth & R. A. Joynson. NEXT MEETING Tuesday Sept. 29th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct F. Micklesfield Chairman.