62 s. 8 Drs. J. Press Extraordinary General Mtg. 17th Apl. 1962 17th Apl. 1962 ALL Drs. & Secretary. Secretary read NOTICE CONVENING MTG. SPECIAL RESOLUTION TAKEN AS READ. CHAIRMAN spoke & gave reason for proposed alteration of ARTICLES. R. G. Nuttall gave reason for apposing resolution objection to minimum 08 5. MR. MC PHAILL views & proposed agree with resolution. Ch. gave assurance it was not Board intention to reduce no of Drs. below 7. Mac Cauley 7, 4 Shareholders Acsn. TICKETS. ? to longer shareholders 1st & work herein. 6per week. Mr. Mc Phaill proposed better liaison G. F. Barton spoke. Amendment MINIMUM ? [?] To. Mr. De Longa gave his views. G. H. ? suggests Quorum of 5 NOT pursued. Tom Parker moved Resolution be adopted subject to substitution of 7 instead of 5. Para 3. (12)(1) seconded & duly carried. AMENDMENT MINIMUM NO OF Drs. to be 7. Mtg. Shareholders Old Hall St. 4 P.M. THURS.