26 June 1961 76 Sh. A. G. M. Ch. Report Considered privilege it being invited to became Chairman last year. Pleased at improved display last season. Success in New York Tournament lead in 1st Section. Success of Youth Team & reached final of Youth Cup. Improved financial position, gratifying. Expressed thank for very loyal supporters. Referred to change in Team Manager. Fortunate to secure services of Mr. Catterick. Looking forward to the future with confidence. J. Hinton, Express praise to Board for excellent A/c's. Anl. Proj. a/c to be shown separately. Costs & Sales, NOT AGREED Question (T. McPhaill also expressed thanks.) Mr. Beattee. Mr. Sharp gave a report on improvements to Pitch, and relaying of ALL WEATHER Pitch. ON PRACTICE GROUND. Installing Crowd control system electrically Mr. Joynson. Report of Maintenance Comm. Considerable went on Goodison Rd. Stand going on a still to be tested. Question R. McKay re Toilets. Manager's Report. Honoured to be Appointed Manager. Good team spirit & team capable of doing well in the future. F. K. Smith asked about reduced prices of Season TKTS. S. T. own seats for Cup ties. J. Hinton, EXP. NOT POSSIBLE P. L. Parry expressed welcome to Mr. Catterick on behalf of Shareholders.