was agreed not to accept less than £45,000.0.0.
TRAINING It was noted that training would
160 re-commence on July 20th.
BELLEFIELD The suggested new site for the new
PAVILION &c. Pavilion and indoor training pitch at Bellefield
295 was approved.
F. L. A. G. M. &c. Reports were given of the Annual Meetings
156 of the Football League, Central League and the
Lancashire F. A.
SECURITY It was agreed to consider creating barbed
wire on the vulnerable points of the enter walls
of the ground to improved security.
EVERTONIANS ASS. It was agreed to make available 500 tickets
275 on Sat. Sept. 12th for the Evertonians Assn. as
an incentive for agents.
R. N. KENYON It was reported that this player, whom we
signed as an apprentice, was previously registered
as an amateur for Blackpool, and we had
incurred a fine of £10.10.0 and the registration
had been cancelled.
ADMISSION PRICES It was agreed not to make any increases
156 in admission charges for next season.
PRACTICE MATCH It was agreed to hold a Public Practice
230 Match on Friday Aug. 14th.
C. BURGESS The Chairman reported that he had had
considerable with Mr. C. Burgess regarding bad Press
Publicity &c., and that this would probably be
raised at the A. G. M.
TOTTENHAM H. It was agreed to make the match v Spurs
243. on Aug. 29th an all ticket match.
B. WHITE It was agreed to disperse with the services
of this employee as soon as possible.
COPYRIGHT (F. L.) It was reported that the Pool Promoters had
agreed to pay 1% instead of ½% in future for