295 ARTICLES. It was agreed that in future no player be allowed to write for a local paper permanently. GABRIEL J. It was reported that Gabriel had been 279 suspended for 14 days from Aug. 17th. INTER-CITIES It was reported that we had been FAIRS CUP nominated by the F. A. to take part in this 270 competition and it was agreed that the Chairman should attend the A. G. M. on June 25th. BELLEFIELD The amended plans for the new pavilion PAVILION at Bellefield were approved. RUNNING TRACK The proposed alterations to the running 260 track at Goodison Park were approved. FOOTBALL LEAGUE The agenda and proposed alterations to A. G. M. Regulations were studied, and it was agreed that 216 either Mr. Hughes or Mr. Sharp should represent the Club at the A. G. M. TRANSFER OF THE FOLLOWING WERE APPROVED SHARES. SHARES NOD. 740 & 1587, 1588 FROM H. TRANTOM TO H. C. TRANTOM " 522 & 1142, 1143 FROM J. W. BICKERDYKE TO MR. JOHN MOORES " 498-500 FROM S. F. ALLMAK TO - do - " 1194 & 2437 FROM T. BICKERSTAFF TO W. E. STEVENSON " 1108 & 2187 FROM I. A. -do TO -do- DIVIDEND It was agreed not to recommend the payment 260 of a dividend this year. NEXT MEETING Wed. July 1st at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores CHAIRMAN