294 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Monday 25th May 1964] Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chair) and all other Directors. Messrs C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield absent on Club business, and Mr. Hughes who was indisposed. Manager & Secretary in attendance. MINUTES Minutes of Meeting of Apl. 20th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were:- Chelsea F. C. 876.9.3 Gate v West Ham 4467.6.3 Donation 35,000.0.0 Season Ticket Sales 21,000.0.0 Bank Balance £27,347.2.2 Cr. Reports Mr. Catterick reported on the players injuries. It was also reported that 8 players had re-signed for next season and 10 players were on 2 year agreements. Gabriel & ? had intimated that they were not prepared to accept the terms offered. A. YOUNG It was reported that Brentford had made a 289 tentative offer of £25,000.0.0 for Young, and it was agreed that this was not sufficient. MULHEARN K. It was reported that it had been agreed with 271 Terquay Utd. to let them have Mulhearn on loan, and the players was considering their offer. PLAYERS WAGES It was reported that the players had been 262 offered smaller gate bonuses, and larger talent money, and any differentials would be dealt with on the Basic wages, and it was left to Mr. Catterick to negotiate. WILSON R. Mr. Catterick reported that he had made an (HUDDERSFIELD T.) arrangement with Huddersfield Town to exchange Meagan for Wilson, and to pay them £35,000.0.0 providing both players were agreeable, and fit after their respective Tours.