290 TOUR Mr. Catterick reported that he could only name 286 15 players for the Tour at the moment, and the other 3 would be named after the F. A. list was available. It was agreed that it would be better for Mr. Catterick to remain in England, and that R. Lewin be included to assist the Trainer. RETAIN & The proposed Retain and Transfer list TRANSFER LIST as submitted was approved. 259 TONY KAY It was reported that following allegations of having fixed the result of a match whilst with Sheffield Wednesday, Tony Kay had been relieved from match duties, till the allegations had been investigated by the F. A. FOOTBALL LEAGUE The proposals of the Football League were PROPOSALS considered, and agreed in principle. It was agreed that either the Chairman or Mr. Hughes should attend the meeting of Chairman on PETTERN OF Thursday. The pattern of Football was agreed FOOTBALL in principle, but the proposals for wages and conditions were opposed. CAR It was agreed to leave the letter from PARKING the Town Clerk in the hands of the Chairman 285 and Mr. Hughes. W. R. DEAN It was agreed that the Trustees for the 286 W. R. Dean Fund should be Messrs John Moores, R. E. Searle, E. Holland Hughes & F. Micklesfield, and that a donation of Two hundred guineas be made to the Fund. WORLD CUP It was agreed to ask the Liverpool County 283. F. A. to form the required Liasion Committee, outside the Directors and officials of the Club, and the draft letter proposed was approved. LIVERPOOL It was noted that the Semi-Final of the SENIOR CUP 286