
		Mr. J. H. Allen, Liverpool County F. A., 67 Chelwood Avenue, Liverpool, 16.

		Dear Mr. Allen,

					   World Cup 1966

			You are probably aware that at a meeting of representatives
		of the Clubs and County F. A.s concerned with staging World Cup matches,
		held at the F. A. offices in London last December, it was proposed that
		local liason committees be set up in each area and that the Chairman of
		such liason committees should preferably be F. A. Council Members.

			My Board feel that this local liason committee should largely
		be the responsibility of the local County F. A. as there will, of course,
		be an enormous amount of work to be done by club Officials and Directors
		in staging the matches and working in close co—operation with radio and
		T. V. personnel.

			We are, of course, quite prepared to give any assistance we
		can in connection with outside matters, but feel that we as a club will
		have quite sufficient to deal with in staging the matches and that all
		other matters would more capably be dealt with by a committee not
		connected with the club.

			I should be obliged if you would bring this letter to the
		notice of your Chairman and Members of the Council at an early
		opportunity and would appreciate your comments on the suggestions
		we have made.

							Yours sincerely,