286 SMITH R. Mr. Catterick reported that he had searched (C. F.) SPURS for forwards without success, and would not FANTHAM recommend Bobby Smith of Spurs, and Fantham (SH. WED.) (Sheffield Wed.) was not ideal. TOUR The suggested amendments to the contract 282 were approved, and it was agreed to leave on Apl. 28th or as soon after as possible. 18 players to travel together with 3 Directors, the Manager & Trainer. It was agreed to provide suits for the party. BELLEFIELD It was agreed to re-level the small 273 pitch and make the necessary alterations to equip it for the permanent training ground including provision for meals. PLAYERS The Football League memorandum on CONTRACTS players contract was studied, and agreed in principle. W. R. DEAN A Sub-Committee of the Chairman, Mr. 217 Searle and the Manager was formed to go ahead with plans for a testimonial Match for W. R. Dean. F. A. OF IRELAND It was agreed that a decision could not 239 be given now to a request for the release of Meagan for Mar. 11th and Apl. 8th. M/c CITY F. C. A request for the services of 5 players for 113 a testimonial Match on Apl. 15th for Bert Trautman was considered. It was agreed that we could not release 5 players, but may be able to offer one. L'POOL SENIOR CUP It was agreed to cancel the competition 257 for season 1962-1963, and to pay £50.0.0 to Southport F. C. who reached the Final as compensation, along with Liverpool F. C. TRANSFER OF The following was approved:- SHARES