285 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 25th Feb. 1964] Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 30th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were :- Leeds Utd. F. C. % 3334. 0.7 Sheffield Wed. F. C. % 686.12.3 Port Vale re Bingham 3000. 0.0 Gate v Liverpool 10,513.13.0 Gate v Birmingham C. 4720. 3.9 Sunderland F. C. % 4071. 3.0 Donations 1627.15.8 Brighton & Hove A. re Webber 1000. 0.0 Sheffield Utd. F. C. % 445.19.3 Bank Balance £30,810.9.8 Cr. SEASON TICKETS It was agreed that prices for 253 Season Tickets for 1964-65 should be £10.0.0, £9.0.0, £8.10.0 and £8.0.0, granted in accordance with the plans submitted. It was also agreed to delete the match vouchers in the Stand Season Tickets. LOAN It was agreed to repay the final 280 £20,000.0.0 off the loan by Mr. Moores, and it was agreed to place on record the Boards appreciation of his assistance. CAR PARKING Mr. Hughes reported on the Meeting with 283 the Liverpool Directors and members of the City Council to discuss this problem. REPORTS Reports were given of the game v Sheffield Utd., and of the players on the injured list.