284 W. P. PETERS It was agreed to donate £25.0.0 to the W. P. Peters Testimonial Fund, and to donate £5.0.0 to the F. L. SECYS. & MAN. Football League Secretaries & Managers Assn. 264 A letter was read from the Football League FOOTBALL LEAGUE in reply to our letter suggesting that return (LEAGUE GAMES) fixtures should not be played within one month 271 of the first game. TRANSFER OF THE FOLLOWING WAS APPROVED:- SHARES SHARE NO 1670 FROM GEORGE CLARKSON To EDWARD OWEN JONES. CATERING It was agreed to inform Mr. H. Webb that the catering on match days is not up to standard, and unless improvement are made we shall consider making changes for next season. DIRECTORS To Sheffield:- Messrs N. W. Coffey, E. H. Hughes AWAY and F. Micklesfield. CONFIRMED AS CORRECT John Moores CHAIRMAN.