
WORLD CUP		The report of the Meeting with
	280	representatives of the RADIO & T. V. CONSORTIUM, and
		G. P. O. officials and Mr. Danis Follows was
		considered. It was reported that Everton
		would contribute 15% towards the cost of
		certain alterations, the remainder being paid
		for by the Football Association.

SOIL WARMING		A report was given of the Meeting
	281	with MANWEB officials when our complaints
		were expressed. It was reported that the
		automatic control was now installed, and only
		required testing, and the wire locating
		instrument was accurate to within 1½".

BRITISH RLWYS		It was reported that British Rlwys.
		had decided to withdraw all Football specials
		from Liverpool due to vandalism, and it was
		agreed not to make any official statement to
		the Press.

CONGESTION		It was agreed to let Mr. Milligan
(BULLENS ROAD)	investigate the congestion in Bullens Road and
		to keep in close touch with the Police to
		control the queries adequately.

F. A. CUP REPLAY	It was agreed to print tickets for
		the paddock in the event of a replay v
		Sunderland at 4/6 in addition to Stand tickets
		at 10/- & 8/-.

GRAMMAR SCHOOLS		A request for the use of Goodison Park
SHIELDS		on March 16th was considered for the Final of this
	251	competition. It was agreed to offer the use of

TOWN CLERK		It was agreed that the Chairman and Mr.
(CAR PARKING)	Hughes should meet a deputation of the Council
		together with Directors of Liverpool F. C. to discuss
		the problems of car Parking on Match days.