280 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Thursday Jan. 2nd 1964.] Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meetings of Nov. 4th & 7th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were :- Gate v Blackburn R. 7460. 4.0 -do- v Stoke City 7218. 4.9 -do- v Rangers 15,665. 9.6 -do- v Chelsea 5286.14.0 -do- v M/c Utd. 7918. 1.6 -do- v Leicester 8243.17.6 Wrexham F. C. re Dunlop 2000. 0.0 Brentford F. C. re Thomson 8750. 0.0 Brighton & Hove re Webber 1000. 0.0 Bank Balance £29,458.10.2 Cr. COACH HIRE It was reported that our Coach order had 276 now been placed with Crown Coaches. LOAN It was agreed to repay a further £20,000.0.0 276 off the loan from Mr. John Moores. REPORTS Mr. Catterick gave a report on the past four games and of the players on the injured list. It was agreed that a striking Centre Forward was our 1st priority. MR. J. P. HERON It was reported that Mr. Heron was to see the Chairman shortly which may involve a higher retaining fee. WORLD CUP A report from Mr. Hughes was considered 260 following a meeting in London, and it was agreed to leave this to the Sub-Committee. MISSILE It was reported that no further action had THROWING been taken by the F. A. following incidents at the games v Rangers & Chelsea.