279 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Thursday 7th Nov. 1963] Present :- All Directors except Mr. John Moores, who was abroad, and Mr. J. C. Sharp, who tendered his apologies. In the absence of the Chairman, the Chair, was taken by Mr. E. Holland Hughes. Secretary in attendance. GLASGOW RANGERS It was reported that Rangers had PRICES fixed the prices for the game at Ibrox as 276 follows:- GROUND 5/-, ENCLOSURE 7/6, STANDS 10/-, 20/- & 30/-. After a discussion it was agreed to make the game at Goodison Park all ticket, and prices were agreed as follows:- GROUND 5/-, PADDOCK 7/6, GOAL STANDS 10/-, GOODISON ROAD & BULLENS ROAD STANDS 15/-. SCOTT A. Mr. Hughes reported that he had GABRIEL J. authorised Scott & Gabriel to stay over in 258 Glasgow till tonight for the Scotland v Norway game postponed owing to fog, and this action was approved. Confirmed as correct. John Moores Chairman