277 DUNLOP A. It was reported that Dunlop had been 239 transferred to Wrexham for £2,000.0.0, and Russell had been transferred to Southport F. C. BLANCHFLOWER D. It was reported that Blanchflower 270 had been reprimanded and would in connection with the newspaper article we had complained of. HOLLAND A. Our complaint of the Referee in the match v Bolton W. had been considered by the Management Committee, who had stated that should his control fall below the standard required he would be dealt with as would any other Referee. GLASGOW RANGERS It was reported that games had been arranged with Glasgow Rangers at Ibrox on Nov. 27th and at Goodison Park on Dec. 3rd on a 50-50 basis. It was agreed to defer fixing prices until Thursday. DART INCIDENT Mr. Hughes reported that we had been asked for our observations on the alleged Dart throwing at Brown of Tottenham Hostpur last week, and this would be done after all the facts had been ascertained. FOOTBALL LEAGUE The proposed alterations to regulations, and REGULATIONS amendments to the players agreement were 274 examined, and it was agreed to support the alterations in principle, and ask for clarification regarding the possibility of making amendments, mutually, during the period of an agreement. SEAT DAMAGE It was reported that considerable was caused to seats at Central League games by children using season tickets, in spite of several warnings. It was agreed that in future