276 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Monday 4th Nov. 1963] Present :- All Directors except Mr. John Moores WHO WAS ABROAD, together with the Manager & Secretary. In the absence of the Chairman, the Chair was taken by Mr. E. Holland Hughes. MINUTES Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 15th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were :- Gate v Sheff. Utd. 7663.14.0 Gate v Spurs 10,717.19.0 West Ham. Utd. F. C. % 586.16.9 Port Vale re Bingham 3000. 0.0 Bringtone & Hove re Webber 1000. 0.0 Bank Balance £35,719.10.11 Cr. COMPLIMENTARY Mr. Hughes reported that lists of extra TICKETS Complimentary tickets issued had been submitted to 270 him, and those were satisfactory. SEASON It was reported that the refunds to TICKETS 274 Season ticket holders had been made, and it was BAD SEATS agreed that the worst of the bad seats be taken out during the close season. COACH HIRE A discussion took place on the question of changing the Coach Fuin we hired. It was reported that Lawrensons had not improved the standard of service required, and it was agreed to make a change. It was to defer the final choice until after the Chairman had returned. LOAN In view of the healthy Bank Balance 253 it was agreed to reduce the amount due to Mr. John Moores by a further payment of £20,000.0.0. REPORTS Reports were given of the 2nd team games v Wolves Res. & Stoke City Res., and of the players on the injured list.