
			[Minutes of the 84th Annual General Meeting
		held at the Chamber of Commerce, Old Hall St.
		Liverpool on Monday June 24th 1963.]

			Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and
		Messrs R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth,
		F. Micklesfield, J. Taylor & E. Holland Hughes, Directors,
		and 89 Shareholders together with the Secretary and
		Manager & Mr. G. H. Bowler, Auditor.

NOTICE			The notice convening the Meeting was
		read by the Secretary.

PRESS			The members of the Press were admitted
		with the approval of the Meeting.

MINUTES			The Minutes of the 83rd Annual General
		Meeting having been circulated, were taken as
		read, and were approved and signed as a
		correct record.

CHAIRMAN'S		The Chairman in his report paid
REPORT		tribute to the Players, Manager & Training Staff
		for the achievement in winning the Championship
		of the 1st Division, and the 3rd & 4th teams in
		winning the Championships of their respective
		divisions, and looked forward to a rewarding

ACCOUNTS		It was agreed that the Accounts and
BALANCE SHEET	Balance Sheet, together with the Directors Report,
& REPORT	and the Report of the Auditors thereon, having
		been circulated be taken as read. Mr. Hughes
		presented the Accounts for approval and questions
		by Messrs J. H. Hinton, J. L. White, D. G. M. White
		and J. C. Mc Carthy were answered. Mr. W. Birch
		then proposed that the Accounts & Balance Sheet
		together with the Reports be adopted. This was
		seconded by Mr. R. M. Tomlin and carried.

DIVIDEND		Mr. E. Holland Hughes proposed that no