264 with M/c Utd. for choice of ground in the Charity Shield Match, and it was agreed that the Chairman should contact the Chairman of M/c Utd. ST. JOHN It was agreed to include an announcement AMBULANCE in the programme for the St. John Ambulance Brigade. BRIGADE 252 EUROPEAN CUP It was noted that the draw for the European Cup would be made in Zurich on July 3rd. INTER-CITIES It was agreed that Mr. Hughes should FAIRS CUP attend the A. G. M. of the INTER-CITIES FAIRS CUP COMPN. in Valencia on June 26th. BARRY TOWN F. C. A letter was read from Barry Town F. C. 260 requesting further consideration to their request re K. J. Webber it was agreed to inform them that we had nothing to add to our previous letter. F. L. SECRETARIES A letter of thanks was read for our & MANAGERS ASSN. Donation towards entertaining the guests at the 233 top table at the Annual Dinner. KINGS LANGLEY F. C. Appeals from the Kings Langley F. C. and FREEDOM FROM the Freedom form Hunger Campaign were HUNGER considered and turned down. MAINTENANCE It was agreed to re-decorate the Dressing Rooms (£100.0.0), Gymnasium (£120.0.0), Passage to Dressing Rooms (£87.0.0) and the Ladies Room and to obtain an estimate for panelling the Boardroom. It was also agreed to accept an estimate of £220.0.0 to paint 6 Houses and to build an extra room on to the Cottage at Bellefield. NEXT MEETING Tuesday June 25th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. John Moores CHAIRMAN.