263 FLOODLIGHTING Mr. Micklesfield reported that he thought 238 that the new roof on the Bullens Road Stands would interfere with the Floodlighting. G. E. C. had made an inspection and would submit a report in the near future. It was also reported that Griersons would not be able to carry out the maintenance in future and it was agreed that this should be done by Tom Jones (Electrical Engineers) Ltd. of Liverpool. CELEBRATION It was agreed that a Sub-Committee DINNER be formed of the Chairman, Mr. Hughes, the 260 Manager & Secretary in connection with the Celebration Dinner. AUDIT FEE It was agreed to increase the audit fee to £350.0.0 to cover all work except taxation. BLANCHFLOWER D. Mr. Hughes reported on the position 257 to date regarding our protest to the Football League re articles by D. Blanchflower. SUPPORTERS FED. It was noted that the Supporters 236 Federation proposed holding a Celebration Dinner on Aug. 12t. It was agreed to inform them that the official Celebration Dinner would be hold at a later date, and that we could not support a function prior to that date. LORD MAYOR It was reported that the Lord Mayor 150 wished to honour the success of Everton in winning the Football League Championship, by giving a Dinner on a date to be mutually agreed. It was agreed to suggest Aug. 13, 14 or 15th or between July 22nd and Aug. 15, other than a Monday. FOOTBALL ASSN. A letter was read from the F. A. 97 advising clubs not to request the release of players selected for International Matches, in future. F. A. CHARITY SHIELD It was noted that we had to toss up