259 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 14th May 1963] Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all EXCEPT MR. HUGHES, WHO WAS ABROAD. other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 19th Apl. were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were :- Gate v Spurs 12731.18.0 " v Arsenal 10123. 4.9 " v Bolton 8843. 8.9 " v Fulham 10799. 7.0 Clock Advert 5,000. 0.0 Donation 30,000. 0.0 Leeds Utd. re Collins 5,000. 0.0 Brighton & Hove re Webber 3,000. 0.0 BANK BALANCE £74098.19.9 Cr. CHAMPIONSHIP The Chairman and Directors congratulated Mr. Catterick on leading the team to the Championship of the 1st Division. BONUSES It was agreed to give the following bonuses to the Staff:- Mr. Catterick £2000.0.0, Mr. Dickinson £500.0.0, T. Eggleston £500.0.0, T. G. Watson £50.0.0, R. Lewin £50.0.0, A. Storey £50.0.0, J. Holding £50.0.0, W. H. Cooke £50.0.0, D. Rose £20.0.0, J. Milne £10.0.0, J. Moredith £10.0.0, N. Benewdale £50.0.0 & all other Staff £5.0.0 each. RETAIN & TRANSFER The Retain & Transfer list was approved LIST 209 as amended. COXON & MOORE It was reported that Coxon & Moore, apprentice 244 professionals, had not fulfilled expectations, and it was agreed to release them as soon as possible. BROCHURE It was agreed to give permission to the players permission to produce a Brochure to commemorate winning the Championship.