
						ON TUESDAY, 17th APRIL, 1962]

		Present: Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and Messrs. R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey,
		C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield, J. Taylor and E. Holland Hughes, Directors, and 62 Share-
		holders, together with the Secretary.

		    The Secretary read the notice convening the Meeting, the Special Resolution having been
		circulated was taken as read.

		    It was agreed that the members of the Press should be admitted.
		    The Chairman gave the reasons for the proposed alterations to the Articles of Association,
		views opposing the proposals were expressed by Messrs. R. G. Nuttall and G. F. Barton, the
		main objection being the clause stating that the number of Directors of the Company shall be not
		less than five. Views were also expressed by Messrs. D. M. McPhail, W. Macaulay, F. De Longa
		and G. H. Garner.

		    It was agreed to accept an amendment for the minimum number of Directors to be seven, and
		Mr. T. Parker then proposed that the special resolution be adopted subject to the substitution of
		the word "seven" for the word "five" in Paragraph (3) 12. (1). This was seconded and duly
		carried by the requisite three-fourths majority.
		    The Chairman then declared that the following Special Resolution as amended in Red was
		duly carried.


		      That the Articles of Association of the Company be altered in manner following:—

		    (1) Clauses 52 and 53 of Table A (1862) shall cease to apply to this Company and the existing
			Article 12 of this Company's Articles is repealed and shall be deleted.
		    (2) In clause 57 of Table A aforesaid there shall be added (so as to constitute an additional
			ground of disqualification) after the words "any Contract with the Company" the words-—
			    "If he resigns his office by notice in writing to the Company".
		    (3) There shall be inserted a new Article (to be numbered 12) as follows:—
			“12. (1) The number of Directors of the Company shall be not less than seven.
			     (2) Unless otherwise fixed by the Directors under the power conferred upon them
				 by clause 66 of Table A, the quorum necessary for the transaction of the
				 business of the Directors shall be three.
			     (3) If and so long as the number of Directors is reduced below the number fixed by
				 or pursuant to the regulations of the Company as the necessary quorum of
				 Directors, the continuing Directors or Director may act for the purpose of
				 increasing the number of Directors to that number, or of summoning a General
				 Meeting of the Company, but for no other purpose, and clause 56 of Table A
				 shall operate subject to this present provision.
			     (4) The number of Directors of the Company shall be not more than eight until such
				 time as the number of Directors in office shall be reduced to seven by reason
				 of the death, voluntary resignation, disqualification, or removal of any one
				 Director (but so that retirement by rotation shall not be treated as voluntary
				 resignation, disqualification or removal). After the number of Directors in office
				 shall have been so reduced to seven, the number of the Directors of the Company
				 shall be not more than seven.
			     (5) While the Board of Directors consists of eight members under the provisions of
				 the last preceding sub-clause they shall retire in the following rotation: Three
				 of their number shall retire at the Annual General Meeting to be held in 1962,
				 three in the following year, and two in the next following year. The Directors to
				 retire as aforesaid in the successive years shall, unless the Directors agree among
				 themselves, be those who have been longest in office since their last election,
				 and in case those who have been longest in office are more than the number to
				 retire, then those to retire shall be determined by lot. If in any year the number
				 of those who have been longest in office is less than the number due to retire,
				 then (unless the Directors agree among themselves) those who have been longest
				 in office shall retire, and the additional Director to retire shall be determined by
				 lot from among those who have been next longest in office. If the Board still
				 consists of eight members after the said third year, then the said cycle of three
				 years shall continue in force from time to time so long as the Board remains
				 composed of eight members, and accordingly, in each successive cycle of three
				 years, three Directors shall retire in the first year of the cycle, three in the
				 second year, and two in the third year.
			     (6) If and when the Board shall be reduced to seven in number under sub-clause (4)
				 hereof, a new series of cycles of three years shall commence to operate, and
				 accordingly at the first Annual General Meeting after the Board has been so
				 reduced, three Directors shall retire by rotation, two shall retire in the next year,
				 and two in the next following year, and so on from time to time. In case those
				 who have been longest in office are more than the number to retire, then those
				 to retire shall be determined by lot. If in any year the number of those who have
				 been longest in office is less than the number due to retire, then (unless the
				 Directors agree among themselves) those who have been longest in office shall
				 retire and the additional Director to retire shall be determined by lot from
				 among those who have been next longest in office.
			     (7) Clauses 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65 of Table A shall apply only subject to the
				 provisions hereinbefore contained."