
TYRER A. 242		It was reported that Tyrer and Parnell
PARNELL R.	had been circulansed, and Stockport County had
	242	offered £900.0.0 for Tyrer but player would not
		go. There had been no enquiries for Parnell.

PLAYERS TO BUY		Mr. Catterick reported that he had made
	218	several enquiries for 1st class wingers and full
		backs, but none were available. It was agreed that
		Mr. Catterick be given authority to get 1st class
PARNELL R. 245	wingers and a full back if possible and to sell
GREEN C.	Parnell & Green. The fee for Green in the region of £10,000.0.0.

PHILIPS J.		It was reported that John Phillips had
		been signed from St. Rochs F. C. for £120.0.0, and
		a further £80.0.0 after he had played in 6
		Central League games.

WEBBER K. 52		It was reported that Wignall, Webber &
WIGNALL F. 234	Green had made requests for a transfer, and it
GREEN C.	was agreed that Wignall & Webber could not be
	245	released at the present time.

WELSH F. A.		It was agreed to write to the Welsh F. A.
	239	and protest at the inadequate arrangements for
		Vernons return to Liverpool after the game in
		Hungary, as he only arrived in Liverpool at
		4 A.M. on Friday morning.

BOYS PEN		Following complaints of missiles being thrown
	245	out of the Boys Pen it was agreed to totally
		enclose the Pen with close wire mesh.

TICKET SALES		Mr. Hughes reported that the Finance Committee
	198	had considered the possibility of increasing ticket sales
		and had decided to put a large advert in the
		Liverpool Echo on Mondays prior to a Saturday Match.

BELLEFIELD		It was reported that Contracts had been
	238	exchanged for the purchase of Bellefield.

EDUCATION		Mr. Hughes reported his interview with the
		Secretary of the Football Association on the subject