242 TROLLOP R. B. Mr. Catterick reported his trip to look at (SWINDON) Trollop R. B. of Swindon town, but he did not measure up to our standards. It was agreed to look out for a 1st class full back. TYRER A. 215 It was agreed to invite offers for Tyrer PARNELL R. and Parnell, who were surplus to requirements. 112 It was agreed that Mr. Catterick should see the parents of Coxon and Griffiths, apprentice professionals, with a view to arranging their release. BINGHAM W. It was reported that Bingham had asked for 116 a loan to purchase a newsagents & sweets business. It was agreed that any loan could not exceed his accrued benefit, but in any event the type of business he had in mind was not considered a favourable one. FOOTBALL LEAGUE Mr. Hughes gave a report on the Extraordinary MEETING 239 General Meeting of the Football League. EVERTONIANS It was agreed to make available facilities at ASSOCIATION Goodison Park for receiving agents lists etc, and to allocate 30 complimentary tickets for each League Match to be used as incentives. DUNFERMLINE It was agreed to suggest to Dunferline F. C. that their should be no exchange of present or entertaining for our Inter Cities Cup 1st round tie. INTER-COMM. It was agreed to purchase a new inter SET comm. set at a cost of £110.0.0. BENFICA F. C. A suggestion to play a match v 174 Benfica was not received favourably. INTERNATIONAL The question of the release of players for MATCHES International Matches during November was left to 206 Mr. Catterick, having regard to our possible commitments in the Inter Cities Faris Cup competition. INTERCOM SET It was agreed to purchase an Intercom Set to replace the one on hire, at a cost of £110.0.0.