230 JARUIS A. A transfer request was not granted and it 168 was agreed to offer him £13.0.0 per week if he received good report in the near future. SHANNON L. It was agreed to release Shannon who 218 was unsettled and to advertise for a Trainer-Coach. PRACTICE It was agreed to hold a private practice MATCH match on Aug. 10th or 13th in the morning. COOKE W. H. It was agreed to increase the salary of the Chief Scout, W. H. Cooke to £1,000.0.0 p.a. HOTELS It was agreed to try Baileys Hotel for our two first games in London to ascertain if it was more suitable than the Walderf Hotel. PROGRAMME It was agreed to increase the charge for 98 the Programme to 6d. and that Mr. Searle should be responsible for the Editorial matter for the first six matches W. Jones & Co. tender for printing to be accepted. LIVERPOOL It was agreed to ticket all stands & Paddock TICKETS for the Liverpool Match at 8/-, 7/- & 4/6. COMPLIMENTARY The complimentary list as submitted was LIST 162 approved. SIR STANLEY It was agreed to donate £5.5.0 to a ROUS testimonial fund for Sir Stanley Rous. Secretary of the Football Association for 28 years. BRITISH A request for permission to take a LEGION (HAIG FUND) collection inside the ground on Nov. 10th was not 137 granted, but it was agreed to make a donation of £10.0.0. WELSH F. L. It was agreed to donate £1.10.0 to 161 the Welsh Football League. LEASOWE UTD. F. C. An appeal from the Leasowe Utd. F. C. was considered and not granted. LIVERPOOL J. N. F. It was agreed that we could not stage no match sponsored by the Liverpool Jewish National Fund.