228 Resolved with effect from tomorrow, Wednesday, 18th July l962. (1) That in order to comply with Rule 44(c) of the Rules of the Football Association, Shareholders Season Tickets with the privileges hitherto attached to them will for the Season 1962/63 and subsequent Seasons be issued only to members whose names were entered in the Register of Members before the 1st May 1921. (2) That a Season Ticket with such privileges will be issued to such a Member only if he or she attends in person at the Company's registered office at Goodison Park to claim it and then and there gives proof of his or her identity with the person whose name is so entered in the Register. The privileges attached to such Season Tickets are restricted to their holders and will cease on the death of the holder or the transfer of his Shares. (3) That pursuant to Rule 44 (a) (v) of the Rules of the Football Association all Shareholders whose names were entered in the Register of Members on or after the 1st May 1921 shall be entitled to have issued to them Season Tickets subject to a deduction of 5 per cent from the amount charged to non-shareholders. Season Tickets so issued must not be sold and the privileges attached thereto are restricted to such a holder, and in the case of transfer or death to such member of his family as shall become the registered holder of the shares. The privileges cannot be sold or granted to any other transferee.